Thank You, God, for Failure


Thank you, God, for my failures. I do not like to fail, but I trust you use my failures for good in me.

In my failure, I realize how much I need help. So often I fail because I barrel into a task or project on my own. Thank you for reminding me of my limitations and for providing every droplet of assistance I need.

In my failure, I see my vulnerability and sin. I recognize my selfish choices, my blind spots, and the categories I didn’t even know existed. Thank you for pointing out my mistakes and for forgiving me as your child.

In my failure, I recognize the opportunity to grow. In my pride I often think I am wise and strong. Thank you for the chance to continue being human, to learn about your world and to gain abilities in it.

In my failure, I see the opportunity to identify with others who fail. Though I am prone to push other people away by boasting in my success, you are equipping me to help and talk with those who struggle. Thank you for your presence with me—and in me—that allows me to be a presence to others.

In my failure, I see an accurate picture of myself. No one fails at everything, but we hit the ground more often than the bullseye. Thank you for Jesus, who always hit the mark. Thank you for the gracious exchange of the gospel, in which he took my sin and gave me his righteousness. Thank you that every failure is a reminder of your patient mercy toward your children.

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Photo Credit: Pablo García Saldaña (2015), public domain

3 thoughts on “Thank You, God, for Failure

  1. Great finish! I reread that last paragraph and realized the contrast between my failure and Christ’s faithfulness and mercy really packs a punch.

    “In my failure, I see an accurate picture of myself…Thank you for Jesus, who always hit the mark. Thank you for the gracious exchange of the gospel, in which he took my sin and gave me his righteousness.”

    Thank you, O Father to the failed.

  2. What an act of Humility and confidence to the Lord Almighty who always does things according to his Divine Will. He does have a plan of his own for all of us. This is such a beautiful prayer!
    Thank You for the sharing!

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